Tecna Fert NitroPure 16 is an organic 16-0-0 NPK dry fertilizer and a strong stimulant that delivers concentrated nitrogen for improved plant growth. It includes 6.2% soluble amino acids derived from enzymatic hydrolysis and vegetable origin, enhancing plant health and stress resistance. Its advanced
supra molecular technology and the covalent bond between the Non-Ionic element and an organic conveyor also optimize nitrogen efficiency, improving overall crop productivity.


Fertigation: 2 – 3 lbs. / acre
Foliar: 1-2 oz / 25 gallons
NitroPure 16 is compatible with most conventional fertilizers.
A compatibility test on a small volume is recommended before applying any mixture with this product.
Sizes Available: 2.5-Gallon Jug, 55-Gallon Drum, and 275-Gallon Tote.

Seller warrants that these products conform to the chemical description on the labels thereof and are reasonably fit for purposes stated on the labels when used in accordance with directions under normal use conditions. Crop injury, inefficiency, or other unintended consequences may result from factors, such as weather conditions, presence of other materials, or the manner of use or application, which are beyond the control of the seller. In no case shall the seller or its affiliates be liable for consequential, special or indirect damages resulting from the use, handling, or shipping of this product. No warranty is expressed or implied, including warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

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